Diabetes Free Life

Still People think that Diabetes is untreatable, Medicine in most to control sugar. But,

Great news ! Diabetes, can be managed very well, easily, efforlessly and in no time your life can be diabetes free. So what you waiting for ! Join our course Diabetes Free Life and live Diabetes free life and add health, happiness and bliss in your perosonal, family, social and national life.


Language: English, NEPALI

Instructors: Dr.Rabin lal Shrestha, MD Naturopathy, FCR

Why this course?


Course contains information about Diabetes, True causes of Diabetes, and its disastreous impact in quality of life, and its simple yet very very Effective true management and treatments and tips to live Diabetes Free Life Forever. 

We use DYANES Protocol Developed by Dr.Rabinlal Shrestha who is having 12 years of Experience in this field of Reversal Program. Diet modification, Yoga Therapy, Acupressure, Naturopathy, Neurolinguistic Program, Emotional Intelligences and Stress Management are employed for the reversal Program. Join us and see the magic. Your Life will change forever..Thank you

Course Curriculum

How to Use

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  • From the computer, you can access your courses after successful login
  • For other devices, you can access your library using this web app through browser of your device.
